This 4-watt all-tube amp is built in a 1948 Pacemaker radio cabinet. It is based on the famous Fender Princeton 5F2-A circuit, with several modifications. The master volume control allows gain and volume to be adjusted independently.
The preamp tube bias can be switched between mid-bias (for clean tones) and warm bias (for overdriven tones). Together with the gain control, a wide range of classic tube tones from clean to overdrive are accessible.
The line output socket can be used for recording or to feed a powered speaker or amp.
Speaker: 6.5-inch BHM 125WRMS
Controls: gain, tone, master volume plus bias switch.
Preamp tube: ECC83 / 12AX7
Output tube : 6V6
Dimensions (cm): 33 wide, 29 high and 21 deep.
1 year warranty. Full refund if returned within 14 days. $360